Community Member Taskrunner is moving to their own office due to extensive growth

Taskrunner: Digitalizing Facility Management
In February 2023, 4 guys moved into our BRYCK office. Their vision: digitalizing the Facility Management sector. With a severe lack of craftsmen in Germany, the founder team wanted to create a nationwide interface for B2B clients to get their orders and repairs done – instantly, locally and with a single point of contact.
Berlin vibes in Essen – but a lot cheaper rents
The founding team – consisting of 50% Essen locals and 50% Berlin residents – was faced with the decision of establishing their company in Berlin or Essen. "We decided very unanimously on Essen, mostly because of the rental prices: instead of the usual +1.200 euros in Berlin, we paid 400 euros here." said co-founder Philipp. “We were looking for a co-working space initially and could very much identify with the brand and vibe at BRYCK - we found a bit of the Berlin vibe we were missing in Essen.”
100% bootstrapped, 30% growth rate
Starting with a founding team of four, the team rapidly grew due to high customer demand. Within the first year, the team expanded from 4 to 30 people completely bootstrapped - creating not only new jobs, but also opportunities for lateral entries and career changes. With their now established customer base and growing team, Taskrunner is moving into their own office in Essen. Luckily close to our tower in Essen City Centre – and co-founder Philipp is keeping his BRYCK membership to stay part of the BRYCK community and utilize the networking opportunities the membership offers.